News 2017

Mai     Juillet     Septembre     Décembre

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01/12/2017 LMPI project - first summary
Ms. Noemi De Luca, internal evaluator for the LMPI Project, has carried out a first mission to evaluate the quality of implementation of the project in Moldova.
She visited TUM, national project coordinator.
30/09/2017 Interview to the technical and pedagogical coordinator of the LMPI project Youtube interview to Jean Noel Pachoud, technical and pedagogical coordinator of the LMPI project.
14/07/2017 University of Vigo will provide assistance to Vietnam to improve its qualifications on cyber-security.
A Universidade de Vigo ten previsto poñer en marcha no curso 2018-2019 o primeiro mestrado en ciberseguridade de Galicia, que terá carácter interuniversitario e se impartirá conxuntamente na EE de Telecomunicación de Vigo e na Facultade de Informática [...]
28/05/2017 LMPI Kazakhztan promotional video on Youtube Promo presenting the activities and objectives of LMPI in Kazakhstan

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